Tuesday, August 17, 2010


There are haters in all walks of life.

So check this scandal out... as of 8/13/10 there have been 5,831 NEGATIVE google reviews about our killer new ammonia free color line, INOA by L'Oreal. The powers that be, off the record, say all have been traced back to a similar ISP on the east coast to a subsidiary of, wait for it... PROCTOR & GAMBLE, L'Oreal's largest competition in the beauty industry. Not sure where or how far this will go, but in the sometimes gossip-lean, dog days of summer, we are waiting with bated breath for the next rat-tail comb to drop!

Oh! I almost forgot... be sure to book your INOA color appointment soon.
As we all know, any press is good press, and this should help the ammonia-free revolution.
Check out the swank promo INOA video for yourself.


  1. Bated, not baited

  2. It just means you're hittin' the Big Time, y'all.

    You ARE the Best salon in Kistap County.



  3. it can be "baited" if my breath smells like fish ;-)
    I am changing the phrase to "waiting with breath abated" like it should be.
