If your a 'kitten with a whip' type, a 'bikini girl with a machine gun' mol, a flirty 'vargas girl' or the ultimate 'betty page', There are not alot of options to expand your look...... Enter The RockIt Roost.
Located 10516 Silverdale Way NW #108, you'd think it was pointed east cause this surely is Mecca for the hipster's. With all the crap women have to put up with, the trade off should be, it's fun being a girl! The RockIt Roost takes you back to the age of fun& flirty, with a whiskey sour! The common misnomer is that Kitsap sucks for vintage, or hipness, or anything wearable. THAT RUMOR STOPS NOW!
With The RockIt Rooost it can no longer be said there is a void. These owners have done the most amazing job filling that void. Go back to a time where a girl was a girl, and rediscover that strength. When men would fall over themselves just to claim the discarded napkin used to blot the crimson lipstick off her sensual lips. Where the subtle seam up the backside of a leg led to a promise land of all that is woman. Rediscover yourself at The RockIt Roost! You will thank me immediately after, and think of all the money you save with the hoards of guys wanting to buy a girl a drink!
And guys, your not left out, they have a mad selection for you as well, ditch the Carhartts, you redneck! How do you expect a woman who has spent hours dolling herself up to give you a second glance? It's an insult really. In other words, your going home alone, loser! Want to be 'that' guy the girls throw that discarded napkin too? Want to be Big Daddy? Then get your butts to RockIt Roost! They will know what to do from there! It'll be like mama is shopping for you again, and what boy doesn't love that, wait, what Big Daddy doesn't love that! ;-)