Making that statement, it's hard to dissect what is the driving force that makes us the best.
Yes, our staff is the best trained of any salon, hands down.
Yes, we have invited L'Oreal to downtown and partnered with them. Bringing flagship salon status to Westsound.
Yes, our reputation is the best on search engine queries.
Yes, our clientele is diverse, amazing, and loyal. All of those factors are equal in importance to the success of Sugardaddy's Salon. (going on 5 years downtown!)
This food drive to benefit South Kitsap Helpline actually IS the manifestation of all those components. Our rocking staff did a superb job letting every client know that; thanks to L'Oreal we were able to offer a free full size product for every 10 items they donated to our drive.
And donate they did!
I told the universe I believe we were capable of 500 pounds, and by god, we got it! Not only in food items, but baby stuff, hygiene products, 2 amazing people brought in hundreds of dollars worth of Mary Kay cosmetics and shampoos for the drive. The list went on! And it keeps growing as word still is getting out!
Thank you so much.
Thank you to the universe, L'Oreal, the staff at Sugardaddy's Salon for getting behind this cause, and to the people of Kitsap county.
Kitsap has been so amazing in their response to us as a business, and their loyalty and support really defines what being in "awe" is all about. Without you, we are nothing. You have entrusted with us what you hold dear in terms of self esteem, your confidence and your abundant generosity.
We are the luckiest of business downtown. We Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
500 pounds!
Pat yourselves on your backs Kitsap, children will go to bed with fuller tummies tonight! It does take a village and Sugardaddy's is proud to be part of yours!